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Car Run to Coolamon Cheese Factory (August 2019)

Writer's picture: Tyler DisburyTyler Disbury

Date: Wednesday, August 14, 2019 Time: 9:00am registration for 9:30am departure Meeting Place: United Fuels Servo, Broadway, Junee

Cost: FREE, but pre-registration essential $5 for Guided Tour of Coolamon Cheese Factory*


Coolamon Cheese Factory Tours

Coolamon Cheese Factory Tours

9:00am: Gather at United Fuels Servo on Broadway Junee. (why not try one of their $1 cappuccinos, or a nice warm Pie Face pie, while waiting) 9:30am: Depart Junee, travelling via Olympic Hwy to Sebastopol Turn Left at Coolamon Road Follow through crossing Marrar Road onto Springwood Road Continue to Rannoch Road Turn Left and continue onto Coolamon 11:30am: Guided Tour of Coolamon Cheese Factory* 12:00noon: Welcome to stay for lunch at Coolamon Cheese Factory (own cost) 1:00pm: Continue to check out other points of interest at own pace, then head home.

(* Requires minimum of 6 adults to attend for tour to proceed. Cost of tour is $5 and is payable at Coolamon Cheese Factory.)

Points of Interest in Coolamon

Coolamon has a diverse range attractions to check out including the Coolamon Fire Museum, RSL Museum and be sure to check out the Up-to-Date Store Precinct — all offering free admission and are within an easy stroll from the Cheese Factory.

Driver & Vehicle Registration Form Registration to join the Gasworks Motor Club Run is FREE, but pre-registration required (to assist with booking of tours, catering etc at destinations)

ALL fields are required, unless otherwise indicated

Car Run Date —Please choose an option—Wednesday, August 14, 2019 -- Coolamon Cheese FactorySaturday & Sunday, October 12 & 13, 2019 -- Overnight run to Mt KosciuskoSunday, December 8, 2019 -- Xmas run to Binalong Motor Museum

Driver's Name

Email Address


Vehicle Registration

Passengers —Please choose an option—I will have ONE passengerI will have TWO passengersI will have THREE PassengersI will have FOUR or More PassengersNo, I won't have any passengers

Extra Passengers (Can you take extra passengers, if required) —Please choose an option—Yes, I can take ONE extra passengerYes, I can take TWO extra passengersYes, I can take THREE extra passengersYes, I can take FOUR or More extra passengersNo, I can't take any extra passengers

Other Comments (optional)

By submitting this form, I confirm that the above listed vehicle is registered and is legally able to be driven on public roads in New South Wales. I also confirm that I have a valid drivers license that allows me to drive in New South Wales.



The Gasworks Motorsport Car Club Run is open to members, guests and visitors. You are welcome to drive a vehicle on historic plates, or even your regular daily car.

If you’d like to join us as a passenger, contact us and we’ll do our best to match you with a driver.

More Information

For more information, please contact Kerry, Club Secretary on 0418 245 687 or use the contact form to email us.



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